Located in Tartu, AS Salvest is an Estonian food industry with strong traditions that has been operating since 1946. The company considers it important to use domestic raw produce as much as possible. Also, Salvest aims to develop both products as well as production.
Project „Reuse of cooling water and residual heat of autoclaves to optimise resources” was carried out co-financed by KIK.
The distinctive feature of processing food products of AS Salvest requires heat treatment of end products in autoclaves. Due to the production process, in which products are either sterilised or pasteurised, a significant amount of energy for the process and driven-well water for cooling are used. After cooling, warm water is directed into the sewage. During the project we had to find a solution how to collect warm water obtained upon cooling and route it back into production.

The new system enables to take the warm water obtained by cooling products into reuse as service water for production. The average annual heat energy saved is 480 MWh and use of groundwater is thus decreased by ca 23 000 cubic meters. The project is sustainable and should pay up within two and a half years.
Everything was performed according to the project. The result even exceeded what was expected, as initial calculations had been modest.
Cooperation: FILTER AS
Tasks completed during the project:
- Designing the automation system
- PLC programming
- Integration of Ignition SCADA
- Control cabinet manufacturing
- Installation works
- Commissioning
- Preparing the documentation
- Releasing reports on heat energy and water amount
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